The Chippewa Youth Hockey Association is a 100% volunteer run association. We are the only volunteer association that maintains 2 indoor sheets of ice and one outdoor rink in the state of Wisconsin! We rely heavily on our members to pitch in to make everything work. Through your efforts we are able to keep costs down and continue to make hockey accessible for your family.
CYHA will continue to do Bingo for the upcoming 2024-2025 season on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month. This is a fundraiser that has been designed to giveback directly to the members in an effort to keep your costs down and assist your child's skill development through additional time on the ice. This will mean that the Mites as well as each team (Squirts, Peewees, Bantams, 10U Girls, 12U Girls, and 14U Girls) will work Bingo shifts for the calendar year. The proceeds from Bingo are used to cover the tournament fees that CYHA participates in throughout the season, which is why it's important that each team does their part!
Thank you for ALL of your help! We couldn't do it without you!
The CYHA Board
Bingo Location
Columbus Hall
236 Pumphouse Rd
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Worker Details
- Minimum of 5 workers
- Arrive by 5:45 pm
- Ready to sell by 6 pm
- Bingo starts at 7 pm
- Each worker brings a minimum of 1 dozen of treats to sell
Shifts to Fill
Packet Sellers
- Sell bingo card packets and daubers
- If spot is covered, help floor workers and concessions workers
Floor Workers
- Clip trash bags to tables
- Listen to attendees to call "bingo" and read back numbers
- Sell individual sheets before special games
- See more details below
Concession Workers
- Operate concessions during bingo
- Clean concessions prior to the last game
- Prepare clean up buckets of water for wiping tables and cleaning floors
All Workers
- Clean up tables and floor
- Throw all trash away and take out garbages
- Push chairs under tables
- Vacuum entry rugs
Floor Workers - Important Info!
- Position yourselves around the bingo hall and listen/watch for people calling bingo. Floor workers will respond to the bingo and confirm the winning numbers by reading them back to the bingo caller. When reading back, only give the number, not the letter and read all of the numbers under the “B” column first, followed by the “I” column and so on. You do not need to call the “Free Space” back. Floor worker will give the winner a slip to put their name on. Once they have the name, the worker will give the slip to the check writer and get the check to return to the winner.
- Floor workers will sell the individual sheets before each of the “Special” games (four times each session). This occurs after Games 2, 7, 10 & 15. The cost of the sheets is 50 cents each and the sheets can be picked up from the check writer. Special sheets can be sold at any time. At the beginning of the night workers will get change from the check writer, and return the money after the last selling session before game 16. Unsold sheets need to be returned to the check writer to be counted.